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ONRcx > What We Do

We help you transform into the top 5% of companies in your industry

We increase your customer knowledge across your organization and show employees how to better apply this knowledge to improve every decision and action.

Why CX Transform Your Company

CX Transformed brands report significant differences between themselves and other brands in key areas that included revenue, profits and efficiency. 


These numbers are striking: they indisputably demonstrate that building a solid bond with customers can deliver tangible financial results.


88% of these high-performing brands report that their annual revenue growth rate was above industry


average, 84% report that their net profit margin was above industry average 


What’s more, the impact of CX Transformation and the rewards of deepened customer relationships extended beyond just the financial area, showing up in the internal operations of their organizations, too. 


76% of these brands told us that CX Transformation efforts had led to a more efficient organization


67% of the most CX Mature brands report a significant increase in employee satisfaction​


Why Many Brands Struggle

Chasing near-term revenue and profits has taken priority over, well — everything.  Meanwhile, creating and sustaining customer relationships — at one time the pre-eminent mission of any self-respecting brand — has fallen so far down the priority list that it might as well be written in mice type. As a result, the balance is off and, inevitably, the emotional connection with the customer has worn thin and the quality of the customer’s experience has suffered. The implications are clear: losing sight of the customer as the brand’s top priority may well endanger its long-term success.


Re-balancing the right relationships 

The first relationship is that vital yet delicate bond between a brand and its customer. At issue is the emotional connection that they once shared and now been lost. The second is the relationship between data and a brand’s actions, a union with huge upside if only the two would communicate more. The third is the relationship between Customer Experience (CX) and a brand’s revenues and profits and these 3 relationships are interdependent.


ONRcx collects the right customer data and applies it to help your company re-balance these relationships and help all members of your organization acquire a clear understanding of how to align to the goal of CX Transformation with every decision they make.

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Creating Authenticity
Requires Culture Shift

How a brand relates to its customers is a direct reflection of how it functions internally and how it treats its own people.  If there are internal issues, they will show up in the culture. 


To change the way a brand acts, it has to start by changing the way it thinks — how it sets strategies and makes decisions. If achieving CX Transformation is the goal, then a brand’s decisions and actions, both internally and externally, must reflect its top priority, the customer.


It’s a mission that must also be embedded in the brand’s culture.  If the prevailing mindsets and attitudes within the organization don’t support that collective mission, CX Transformation won’t take hold, because a brand’s entire culture had to shift, adapt, absorb and embrace the change if the transformation is to succeed.


As in all aspects of life, authenticity is key. Hollow promises and quick fixes can only take us so far.  For example, merely initiating a policy on managing customer relationships may get traction initially, but its impact will be limited to those who interact directly with customers.  Employees will come to see it as ‘putting lipstick on a pig’ and reject it as inauthentic. 


Inevitably, the customer will come to the same conclusion.  


ONRcx helps your company establish the right authentic values for your company and shows you how to align decisions to express "real" authenticity.

The Most Efficient Approach To CX Transformation

Fundamental to our approach is ‘Collect/Share/Act’, the formula we’ve developed for achieving CXT. It may sound simple – Collect the right data, Share it across all teams; Act on it – yet it’s empowering. From Day One, you will embed the C/S/A formula into the C-Suite mindset, then introduce it incrementally, department by department.  Eventually, you will roll it out company-wide.


Level One | PLANNING

It all starts in the C-Suite. To succeed in CXT, strong leadership is not just essential, it’s mandatory. It is the role of the CEO to ensure the CXT process is understood. The starting point is explaining in the clearest terms the brand’s goal: to deepen customer relationships and improve the customer knowledge of all employees. 


Level Two | LEARNING

At Level Two, you’ll designate the Post-Sales Support (or Post-Sales) department as the launching pad for CX Transformation efforts. You’ll build the team that will drive CXT. You’ll activate operational improvements using C/S/A. Essentially, at Level Two, you’ll lay the foundations for current and future CX Transformation efforts.


Level Three | EXPANDING

Now it’s time to expand by integrating Pre-Sales (Sales & Marketing departments) into CXT efforts. Combined, Pre-Sales and Post-Sales have all the key points of the brand-customer interaction covered.  And by the time you complete Level Three, the brand will have a significantly deeper knowledge of the customer.


Level Four | ADVANCING

Now it’s time to get more sophisticated. It’s time to invest in technology to facilitate the integration of the entire organization into the process. It’s time to align digital transformation and CX Transformation efforts. You’re ready to flip the switch in order to accelerate CX Transformation.


Level Five | LEADING

Level Five is a different beast – it’s no longer prescriptive. Armed with customer knowledge, your brand is equipped to make informed choices and prioritize the right actions.


ONRcx guides you step-by-step through the CX Transformation process at every level of your CX Transformation journey helping you make the right decisions and take the right actions to ensure rapid, efficient and cost effective CX transformation.


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